Testimonials from work outside of FlexMeasures/Energy

“Seita helped me to reveal stories in my data I didn’t know were there and helped me implement the tools to interpret them.”

E.M. van Poelgeest, M.D., Ph.D. researcher at VU Medical Center

“Nicolas’ advice, especially where not to focus on (for the time being), was really helpful. It gave us space to focus on more urgent themes. Seita were not attempting to put themselves in the picture – they put the needs of MAKUS first.”

Merel, founder of MAKUS Kitchens

“Seita helped us organise and visualise survey data from crisis regions. They quickly grasped our data format, supported us to find the most important insights and turn these into interactive visualizations. Seita’s ability to step back and look at the bigger picture has led to improved design decisions.”

Gijs Verbossen, Senior Researcher at HiiL