The 10-year plan

Our end goal is software that can turn each site energy-smart. Energy orchestration as a service. We believe this technology needs to commoditize, so we open it up. Our journey has three phases:

Phase 1: Establish an open technology platform for BTM orchestration. Goals: Show intent, innovation leadership.

Phase 2: Create two well-defined SaaS products on top of this technology. Goals: Profitability, find our best clients and partners.

Phase 3: Turn-key onboarding to dramatically lower onboarding effort for all kind of sites & assets. Goal: ``it-just-works`` & rapid scale.

The plan, summarized

To really optimize and scale the use of renewables-based electricity, a key service is Behind-The-Meter (BTM) orchestration. At each site, energy usage of multiple assets is optimized. Today, this is still a cutting-edge technology. In a few years, it will be expected and easy to apply ― much more like a commodity.

This is an exciting future and opportunity, both in terms of clean tech impact and market size. We are building the technology which engineers the world over want to use (as part of custom integrated energy solutions), and which can help unlock huge CO2 savings.

This plan claims to create a very successful company that changes the world. Not necessarily a behemoth like Tesla or Octopus Energy ― no, a commercial open source company (COSS) which creates its own fortune but also a technological legacy.

To build BTM orchestration like this is a deep tech challenge, requiring a long view. We follow a three-step plan, first open source technology, then two products, finally turn-key onboarding. We are ca. 5 years in, building products.

Behind-the-meter orchestration, as imagined by AI
Behind-the-meter orchestration, as imagined by AI

What is Behind-the-meter orchestration?

In the energy transition, new assets with significant electricity consumption are introduced. The meaningful examples are EVs and heat pumps, and of course batteries. The energy flows and patterns change, as well as how they are priced and how grids can support them. It’s a lot.

The Behind-the-meter (BTM) scope includes the optimal usage of flexible energy assets on-site, and excludes optimizing towards energy markets (that are more complex than dynamic tariffs).

BTM means to prioritize energy optimization for the local situation (energy costs, self-consumption, peak reduction etc). Behind- and before the meter both matter, but doing both is a big ask for one technology stack / company. (And we believe that the better service comes from smaller, specialized services)

Where do these new assets and BTM orchestration apply? Basically in all energy-consuming sectors. SMEs, offices, domestic living and industry.

What is the value of BTM orchestration?

The impact that we can make for our customers BTM are: lower energy costs (e.g. by using dynamic tariffs well), lower grid usage costs (lowering peaks) or even the basic ability to do business in a congested grid and finally: higher self-consumption of locally-produced (PV) power.

And for our strategy, why is focus on BTM a good idea?

  • BTM is a truly world-wide challenge (growing into a 4 trillion $ opportunity), and thus our B2B offer can scale with the energy transition globally. The basic ingredients and goals are similar on all continents. Markets differ substantially, on the other hand.
  • Electrification happens across all electrifiable energy purposes (sectors) behind the meter: e-mobility, heating/cooling being the most influential ones. We can broaden our impact by coupling these sectors for each BTM site.
  • Many commercial end customers implement the energy transition in projects, site by site. By focusing on BTM, we can design products to span the project lifetime: from design/analysis to operation.

What does Seita offer?

Seita offers the orchestration logic – basically smart anticipating planning for each site. Packaged as products, this is offered as site simulations (via our UI) or real-time scheduling (via our API), see phase 2. Within the tech stack, we need to model assets & data, offer great visualizations and most importantly perform some forecasting and calculate optimal schedules for all sites.

For who do we do this? We offer software services to ESCos (energy service companies) who need to make the integration of all these new assets work ― advisors, installers, project integrators. Many actors are tasked with solving aspects of behind-the-meter energy, and are happy if the orchestration is taken care of. We offer our services white-label, as well. Being based on open source means no lock-in, either. Our services need to connect to the on-site technology that control (see also phase 3).

Does Seita offer aggregation (of flexible assets)? Well, yes ― locally. Behind the meter we find an increasing number of flexible assets (e.g. EVs). Even in single locations, but definitely in larger commercial buildings, small neighborhoods & industry site(s). We aggregate their behavior. However, we are not an aggregator of larger portfolios (“fleets”) which are positioned across the grid. This takes you into “before” the meter territory. Seita can delegate available flexibility to such before-the-meter aggregators (who specialize in accessing custom national markets) and to DSOs.

A commoditized technology?

We see currently that orchestrating assets behind the meter (like batteries, heat pumps, solar, EVs) is an exotic service. Few energy service companies (ESCos) can offer it. Customers don’t know if they need it. Or how to compare services and prices.

This is bad for the energy transition we are in.

All highly specialized products can undergo gradual commoditization. In lay-man terms, a product then becomes something not only a few select experts do and charge high prices for, but something you can get from various vendors, if so in differning quality. Like coffee.

We are guided by the belief that BTM orchestration should and will commoditize, for two reasons.

First, the energy transition changes the grids to be governed in a decentralized manner (requiring BTM orchestration). As we noted, it is a global phenomenon. Localized solutions (one-stop-shops operating in only a few countries) will exist and do well, but so will tech-based services which work everywhere ― and this will be their differentiating feature.

Second, energy is not sexy. Businesses and people do not want to think about energy services – not when purchasing them and also not when using them (sorry). The differentiation between vendors will be on expertise, reliability, savings etc. For the most part, you will hear “It should just work” and not “I like how beautifully designed my EMS is” (each dashboard is used mostly in its first days after delivery).

Instead of dreading this future, we see this as an opportunity to stand out as technology leaders with a globally applicable solution and to build strength from an open source community.

Coffee (a commodity) being poured

The Promised Land

Why is this exciting?

In terms of impact, we believe our plan makes possible the following outcomes:

  • Every ESCo in the world is able to offer BTM orchestration.
  • None should be locked in by software vendors.

Imagine what this does to the energy transition!

And for our commercial perspective: Remember that for the next 15-20 years, we should see a steadily growing market opportunity globally (and we can fuel this growth by commoditizing BTM orchestration). In this promised land, we are looking forward to growing our business, alongside many other innovative builders!

(and as creators of FlexMeasures, we will keep a distinctive high-value position, as long as we don’t stop innovating)

The phases of our 10-year plan

Here are the three phases Seita goes through, towards this vision. However, the phases partly overlap. Phase 2 (Products) is where our main focus is at now.
FlexMeasures Simple Architecture
FlexMeasures, in a nutshell

Phase 1: (Open) Technology

We open-sourced our FlexMeasures platform with strategic intent, gaining customer trust and massive win-win potential

We have spent years designing the right technological platform which can power this dream of commoditized BTM orchestration. Open source was a strategy choice from the beginning. The result is our technology FlexMeasures, which we donated to the LF Energy foundation.
Donating to a foundation brought two things: visibility for everyone interested in working with open tools like FlexMeasures, as well as a strong governance model.

Then, we’ve worked hard to prove what FlexMeasures can do – from asset modeling to forecasting and scheduling the best actions (yes, FlexMeasures includes algorithms under a permissive open source license). We ran vehicle-to-grid (V2G) projects, smart heating pilots, small VPPs, and we keep innovating. And we keep documenting, in API references, step-by-step tutorials and in talks at open source conferences.

It is important to show intent.

Now, the topic of open source is new to the energy sector, but other sectors have shown it is inevitable (for example ML, databases). The energy sector being so large but under-developed in terms of open source software is a giant opportunity. (there is activity, but it’s a drop in the ocean still)

Our customers will trust us due to transparency and the lack of vendor lock-in. This is a powerful sales-accelerator.

We are committing to extra efforts here, but with a purpose. Of course, one part of the purpose is to gift a potential for acceleration of innovation in the energy transition. But also for business reasons, we are building an eco-system of startups using FlexMeasures. It is tough work to inject momentum into this young community, but our current investment will pay off big – it will create a run-away innovation trajectory through win-win co-creation, which will be difficult to follow for actors with a closed-IP strategy.

Is everything we do open source? No, that would also slow us down too much. For instance, simulations (see phase 2) add a lot of custom things like scenarios. But we are fully committed to FlexMeasures staying open-source, and we continue to release new features.

Phase 2: Products

We have defined two products (Simulation and Cloud EMS) which now guide and accelerate our marketing and user stories.

FlexMeasures is a technology. We believe the topic of BTM orchestration and the complexity of the energy transition required us to pursue an architecture-first approach, similar to what is required in deep tech fields.

But what matters to customers is products. While many things can be built with FlexMeasures, we are building our own hosted services and are evaluating them with customers in Europe (and now even Australia!).

In effect, Seita is transitioning from a project-based company to a product-based company, and make that the basis of our commercial health.

Our product vision is BTM-orchestration-as-a-service. Fully API-based, with self-service and enterprise-level features.

Here are the two products:

Simulations: In the design phase of projects, the question is often what to invest in ― how many solar panels, EV chargers, battery kWhs etc. What is possible in BTM orchestration when imagining various scenarios, including different capacity contracts with DSOs and dynamic tariffs? What would be the monetary outcomes, or even CO2 outcomes, in each possible scenario?
Seita’s Simulations help you build these cases and calculate full-year outcomes, as realistically as technologically possible (including forecasting and re-scheduling multiple times per day). Our partners (energy advisors and ESCos) input site specifications and any data they have, and our EMS crunches the numbers. We deliver KPIs and interactive graphics to answer each What-If question. As a result, the OPEX of any investment is demonstrable.
It is a complex target on several dimensions to get this product right, competing with custom Excel sheets and incumbents like PVSol. Throughout 2025, we are evaluating with early customers. Big items on the roadmap: self-service and full API integration. We charge a monthly base fee plus per-project fees.

Cloud EMS: This is the real-time, data-driven & API-based forecasting & scheduling service which FlexMeasures was built for. It can take over right after a simulation has indicated the best scenario to invest in & install. The Cloud EMS needs to integrate real-time data from multiple sources (meters, weather forecasts, markets etc). As we don’t focus on only specific energy sectors (like e-mobility), we have to support modeling a range of assets and constraints. This is why learning from projects across several years and the academic background of the founders matter.
We call this product Cloud EMS, to separate it from on-site EMS solutions, which usually consist of a gateway which takes care of direct asset control & protection and simple if/else logic. Our Cloud EMS enhances on-site EMS solutions, but can also be integrated with building management systems or similar existing controls. The API design and onboarding support will be crucial. We also offer enterprise tooling such as white labelling, status pages and audit logs.
For the Cloud EMS, we can partner with installation companies, gateway makers and of course ESCos in general, who run modern energy projects. We will ask a monthly fee based on the amount and size of assets optimized.


The enterprise promise

Together, Simulation and Cloud EMS can bridge the life cycle of a modern energy project, from design to operation, and fulfil all BTM orchestration needs.
The big task in this phase for us is to figure out how to make such a complex offering as straightforward to use as possible for ESCos. We need to research and invest in the payoff from different angles: Great UI, robust API endpoints and enterprise features.

1. Who among the segment of advisors and ESCos is ready to automate and scale?
2. Which channel partners (for on-site EMS or market integrations) are the best fit for us?
3. And with them at the table, how can we make our two products really convenient to onboard and use?
4. What pricing structure works well?

These four questions need to gradually take over the majority of our work, as we currently work almost exclusively on a list of more intelligent EMS features we are being asked to implement. That list will never be empty, certainly not with the continuous innovation in the energy world. However, we are now working towards a healthy innovation mix between core product and UX/enterprise features.

Many of these UX/enterprise features take us away from the energy optimization core we started with, into the realm of software engineering. For instance, we need to solve a range of data onboarding problems, and we are busy with enterprise features like authorization to work on multi-tenancy (so our users can manage their customers without us), status pages and audit logs (so we and our users can service their customers)!

That said, with FlexMeasures’ extensibility (through plugins), Seita and her partners can always model additional product ideas or service dimensions (maybe that will be an ongoing opportunity for premium services).

Seita Simulations
Seita Cloud EMS

Phase 3: Turn-key onboarding

Distribution trumps features – in the world of integrated energy solutions, we want to win big by dramatically lowering the onboarding effort for all kind of sites and assets. Our BTM orchestration (certainly the Cloud EMS) becomes an “it-just-works” solution.

Working on products is mostly about features. Even usability and onboarding, having little to do with our energy experience, are features aimed at general population in our target segment.

But what trumps features, in the long run, is distribution.

What should be our strategy to grow rapidly in synch with the global energy transition? As I wrote earlier, we are not a one-stop-shop, where you get all hardware, sensors, BTM orchestration and all market integrations. No, we deliver only BTM orchestration, and we make that fit with the offerings of other partners. This works for the not-small piece of the world-wide energy market where a one-stop-shop is not the right fit.

So in this phase, the focus will be on making it surprisingly easy to configure BTM assets, data and goals in order to get started with intelligent energy management.

The effort should get down from hours to minutes!

The result will be that BTM orchestration can be applied anywhere at scale ― by us, but also by anybody! We will establish innovation partnerships around the world, both between open technologies and standards, but also simply between commercial providers and Seita. Amplifying win-win effects in an open technology landscape lifts all boats, and ours, as well. And as makers of FlexMeasures, we will be asked to sit at enough tables (we might even be invited enough to decide which invitations we like to accept!).

What will be the key to reach our goals in this phase?

  • It will be partly AI/ML – we can achieve cold-start settings by learning from limited amount of data and guessing what goals our users have.
  • A bigger part will probably be achieved by less sexy measures like site recipes, UI wizards and brand partnerships. Of course, modern wizards are now made by LLM AI, which will be very important.
  • The most crucial of all might be to implement open protocols like S2 or OpenADR, which could be supported by many flexible energy assets and their OEMs, so the pool of assets that work out of the box will be large. Work on this actually has begun (on S2, and for OpenADR there is an interesting LF Energy project). This part also fits with our DNA of open innovation and co-creation.

Why don’t we aggressively focus on this earlier? It is a natural progression, where we use our resources for the next most valuable challenge at hand. Larger actors (e.g. larger incumbent installers or OEMs) need the proof we are currently building with products and smaller partnerships. They certainly also need enterprise features. A final puzzle piece they will find convincing is the community around our open source tech & support of open protocols.

Join our mission!

Are you working with behind-the-meter energy sites? Ready to add orchestration, e.g. for scenario-based simulations to start with?

Let us demonstrate our capabilities in a quick call!