
Focusing on products

Seita Simulations

At Seita, what is different now compared to a year ago? We focus more on products now, less on technology.

Until a little while ago, the fact of the matter was that we were busy building a technology ― FlexMeasures. And that was crucial for us – an open core technology is part of our mission to actually provide the world with a true boost in the energy transition – a boost beyond our personal/business reach.

FlexMeasures still is the core of our abilities in smart energy service provision – we will work on it as long as we are able to.

But as of now, we finally are putting our focus on products. It’s clear that this is where a business actually starts finding its strides ― together with their customers and partners. We always knew this (we are getting the usual advice, of course), but we weren’t there yet. Not with the vision we had set out when we started Seita.

Now the road is clear. Our products are:

For both products, we currently focus on commercial building sites plus EV charging. Usually, this is the SME segment.

A technology needs a place in the world, and smart energy scheduling (FlexMeasures) has a place.

Products, on the other hand, need a customer problem. Which one are we addressing here? We have to listen more to our actual users, but we see a place for behind-the-meter optimization that resolves limitations that businesses begin to see. They can not grow, they can not electrify without it. The time for quick fixes, for only focusing on solar/battery, or only EVs, is about to be over. We need smart software products that can cover the whole picture and the whole project life cycle. Simulation and EMS do this.

And yes ― both products are built on top of our open-source FlexMeasures technology. This ensures the win-win between our commercial and open-source efforts, for our customers as well as partners and ecosystem friends. Felix and I are still pursuing our vision of a transparent contribution to the energy transition, as we started out with years ago.

Now, with commercial productization on top, we will go faster.

You will hear more from us about these products – what do we focus on, what new features are we releasing.

Also, we plan to write more about our place in the market and the larger product vision (how in a few years our products, and our technology, can move the goal posts for what behind-the-meter optimization means to the market).