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We had a great time at Enlit 2023!

We had a booth at Enlit 2023 in Paris. It was great seeing all the current state of innovation in one place and talk to many people. We also pitched at the 4D Innovation festival there, which was great fun. At our booth, there was almost no dull moment. To everyone we talked to: We…

Burning gas stove

GripOnGas, our new service is launched!

Things are moving here at Seita Energy Flexibility! We are happy to announce a month of Firsts: The first energy flexibility service based on top of our FlexMeasures platform: GripOnGas The first successful pilot together with our corporate partner Fudura The first SaaS subscriber to our hosting support. The story told as it unfolded during…


How to plot probabilistic forecasts

Probabilistic forecasts give you insights into possible futures. In this post, I suggest that the best plot type to show them all at a glance is a ridgeline plot. Areas of doubt and uncertainty In data-driven operations, decisions are based on numeric expectations about what the future holds. Usually, these expectations come from point forecasts…


OKRs – Measure what matters

Is having goals and tracking performance good for your organisation? Should you set goals for your organisation? Also for all departments and all the people in it? Should you even measure how everybody is doing towards those goals? YES: You want to know where you’re going—it’s called having focus. And you want to know whether…
