Enlit logo

We had a great time at Enlit 2023!

We had a booth at Enlit 2023 in Paris. It was great seeing all the current state of innovation in one place and talk to many people. We also pitched at the 4D Innovation festival there, which was great fun. At our booth, there was almost no dull moment. To everyone we talked to: We…

Smart Energy NL logo

Seminar about servicing large energy consumers

Last week, we got to talk about our experience with industrials at the seminar of Smart Energy NL about servicing large energy consumers, hosted by Krado and Movares. I talked about the CO2-optimized scheduling of centrifuges we are running for Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland, together with Fudura. It was an overall great seminar with lots of…

Photo by Pablo García Saldaña on Unsplash

Seita’s mission and vision

We have a mission and vision statement now. Just ten sentences overall. However, it required the experience of three years and hours of discussions to get there. Mission and vision statement should tell people why they should care about what you do. Here are some examples, which help understand what other companies chose. Why should…
