The FlexMeasures platform optimises schedules for your flexible assets.
Multi-objective optimisation (reach your goals)
Baseline references (compare your actions)
Versioned and open algorithms for XAI (explain the process)
FlexMeasures runs on forecasts using machine learning and other AI techniques.
Robust benchmarking of new prediction models and information sources
Probabilistic performance metrics against time of day and time ahead
The FlexMeasures platform continuously collects data ― it can alert you when that data stream needs attention.
Breaches of thresholds (protect devices)
Data gaps & strange outliers (assure data quality)
Idle processes / leaks (minimise waste)
CO₂ reporting
FlexMeasures comes with a regional CO₂ signal and CO₂ monitor.
Greenhouse gas tracking
Emissions monitoring
Costs reporting
FlexMeasures comes with financial analytics.
Energy price analysis
Historical costs / usage reporting
Usage reporting
FlexMeasures shows real-time and historical energy consumption and production.
Meter tracking
Historical reporting
Time resolution
What time resolution is your data stored in? Many energy systems (including markets) report hourly or quarter-hourly data.
We do run systems in 5-minute intervals, too, e.g. in our V2G living lab.
(Re)scheduling frequency
How often does data change (e.g. weather forecasts, an EV leaves), so that the schedule should be re-computed by FlexMeasures?
Basically, this determines how dynamic your energy flexibility solution is. We have customers who are happy to compute once per day, it all depends.
External sources
Where does your data come from? In the best case, we can arrange for data to be pushed to FlexMeasures’ API.
Often, we have to pull data in, through third-party APIs, for example. That is a data source integration we’ll support and keep running.
Source integrations have to be created, as well. A few already exist within plugins.
What kind of optimization is included out-of-the box in FlexMeasures? We have made our work on storage optimization in-built.
We also have optimized against a CO2 signal. Future work will also end up there, for instance heat pumps.
However, many settings, e.g. for industrial processes, will have to be custom work, fitted to your situation.
What really happened? It’s crucial to record indicators like achieved costs or self-sufficiency for reporting. (See also topics above).
We can keep track of a few of such key performance indicators for you. If there are more wishes, we can talk about that.
Of course, your data can be gotten out of FlexMeasures, as well, and you can do your own computations, as well.