Last week, we got to talk about our experience with industrials at the seminar of Smart Energy NL about servicing large energy consumers, hosted by Krado and Movares.
I talked about the CO2-optimized scheduling of centrifuges we are running for Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland, together with Fudura.

It was an overall great seminar with lots of knowledgeable guests – discussions really went to interesting places. You can see Nicolas on the picture above, on the lower right.
How to establish trust and then get to results quickly in these settings has been a hot topic. Also, how to involve the network operators – what stance should they take?
We recommend the Smart Energy NL seminars!
Who were some of the other notable guests or speakers at the seminar, and what were some of the interesting discussions or topics that emerged during the event?
See here, also for the slides of others:
Beware, talks were in Dutch!