Talk at FOSDEM

I recently got to visit the FOSDEM 2023 conference, and also speak about our work (video below). Together with some other folks at Linux Energy Foundation, we had organized the first energy devroom. Picture by Jonas van den Bogaard (Alliander) All the talks were very well attended and we got great questions. Hopefully, open source…

Python Podcast Logo

FlexMeasures featured on Python developer podcast

Would an audio-introduction of our work on FlexMeasures help you get started with learning about it? Now there is one ― Listen below or check streaming options on the podcast website! We’re proud that FlexMeasures is this week’s featured project on the podcast for Python developers “Podcast.__init__”. During the recording of this episode, we discussed…

V2G@Home demo in Utrecht, NL

The first V2G@Home demo: A success

Ard adds a calendar item for his Nissan Leaf car on his phone, … suspended silence… “Click” The Quasar EV charger springs into action and charges Ard’s Nissan Leaf, in expectation of him needing the car soon. The needles on our HomeAssistant app are switching, as well. V2G@Home demo in Utrecht, NL Smiles all around.…

Architecture in V2G@Home LIving Lab

✓ Smart & easy control in Vehicle-to-grid

The V2G@Home Living Lab we do together with Ard Jonker of Positive Design has closed the optimisation loop, with an eye on usability! As stated before, optimizing charging in a V2G situation with flexible tariffs, fluctuating solar and random car usage requires smart machine learning in the cloud. This meant we have to bring FlexMeasures…
